Covering interface science from a novel surface science perspective, this unique handbook offers a comprehensive overview of this burgeoning field.Eight topical volumes cover basic concepts and methods, elemental and composite surfaces, solid-gas, solid-liquid and inorganic biological interfaces, as well as applications of surface science in nanotechnology, materials science and molecular electronics.With its broad scope and clear structure, it is ideal as a reference for scientists in the field, as well as an introduction for newcomers.
Surface and Interface Science, Volumes 1 and 2: Volume 1 – Concepts and Methods: Volume 2 – Properties of Elemental Surfaces – Klaus Wandelt
102.836,00 د.ج
Covering interface science from a novel surface science perspective, this unique handbook offers a comprehensive overview of this burgeoning field.Eight topical volumes cover basic concepts and methods, elemental and composite surfaces, solid-gas, solid-liquid and inorganic biological interfaces, as well as applications of surface science in nanotechnology, materials science and molecular electronics.With its broad scope and clear structure, it is ideal as a reference for scientists in the field, as well as an introduction for newcomers.
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Catégorie : Sciences de la nature et de la vie.