Looking for Alaska
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Paperback. Pub Date :2013-02-28 Pages: 272 Language: English Publisher: HarperCollins UK If people were rain. I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.Miles Halters whole life has been one big non-event. until he meets Alaska Young.Gorgeous. clever and undoubtedly screwed-up. Alaska draws Miles into her reckless world and irrevocably steals his heart. For Miles. nothing can ever be the same again.Looking for Alaska brilliantly captures the exquisite painful joy of living and loving. Poignant . funny. heartbreaking and compelling. this novel will stay with you forever.
Paperback. Pub Date :2013-02-28 Pages: 272 Language: English Publisher: HarperCollins UK If people were rain. I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.Miles Halters whole life has been one big non-event. until he meets Alaska Young.Gorgeous. clever and undoubtedly screwed-up. Alaska draws Miles into her reckless world and irrevocably steals his heart. For Miles. nothing can ever be the same again.Looking for Alaska brilliantly captures the exquisite painful joy of living and loving. Poignant . funny. heartbreaking and compelling. this novel will stay with you forever.
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