Let’s Go 5 Workbook with Online Practice Pack

2.280,00 د.ج
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Let’s Go 5 Student Book With Audio CD Pack; 4th Edition

4.353,00 د.ج
Success from the very beginning

1. It gets children talking from the very beginning with conversation, and question and answer practice.

2. It teaches each language pattern step by step and repeats it with plenty of practice which leaves every child feeling "I can do it!"

3. It uses children's natural skills through music and movement with the acclaimed Carolyn Graham's fabulous songs, chants and drum tracks - so they will remember the language and build their fluency.

4. The lessons are systematic, clear and so involving that everyone knows what to do and no child is left behind.

Let's Read...
Now there are new phonics and reading lessons to help children read fluently too!

Let’s Go 4 Workbook with Online Practice Pack

2.280,00 د.ج
Success from the very beginning. Millions of children around the world have learned to speak English through the trusted methodology of Let's Go. Maximise children's talking time in class through dialogues, pair work and communicative games. This combined with the rhythm and melody of the acclaimed songs makes the language memorable.

Let’s Go 3 Workbook with Online Practice Pack

2.280,00 د.ج
Success from the very beginning.

Millions of children around the world have learned to speak English through the trusted methodology of Let's Go.

Maximise children's talking time in class through dialogues, pair work and communicative games. This combined with the rhythm and melody of the acclaimed Carolyn Graham songs makes the language memorable.

Let’s Go (5th Edition) 5 Workbook with Online Practice

2.006,00 د.ج
Reading texts build on themes of the Student Book and allow students to practice vocabulary learned in the unit, or previous units. Online Practice motivates students to connect with English outside the classroom through interactive task and activities.

Let’s Go (5th Edition) 5 Student’s Book

1.992,00 د.ج
Inspire students to enjoy learning in English with a trusted methodology and easy-to-use teaching tools. Let's Go 5th Edition provides lively and motivating activities and offers plenty of opportunities for students to practice using the language they are learning.

Let’s Go (5th Edition) 4 Workbook with Online Practice

2.006,00 د.ج
Reading texts build on themes of the Student Book and allow students to practice vocabulary learned in the unit, or previous units. Online Practice motivates students to connect with English outside the classroom through interactive task and activities.

Let’s Go (5th Edition) 4 Student’s Book

1.992,00 د.ج
Inspire students to enjoy learning in English with a trusted methodology and easy-to-use teaching tools. Let's Go ols.5th Edition provides lively and motivating activities and offers plenty of opportunities for students to practice using the language they are learning.

Let’s Go (5th Edition) 3 Workbook with Online Practice

2.006,00 د.ج
Inspire students to enjoy learning in English with a trusted methodology and easy-to-use teaching tools. Let's Go 5th Edition provides lively and motivating activities and offers plenty of opportunities for students to practice using the language they are learning.

Let’s Go (5th Edition) 3 Student’s Book

1.992,00 د.ج
Inspire students to enjoy learning in English with a trusted methodology and easy-to-use teaching tools. Let's Go 5th Edition provides lively and motivating activities and offers plenty of opportunities for students to practice using the language they are learning.

Let’s Go (5th Edition) 2 Workbook with Online Practice

2.006,00 د.ج
Inspire students to enjoy learning in English with a trusted methodology and easy-to-use teaching tools. Let's Go 5th Edition provides lively and motivating activities and offers plenty of opportunities for students to practice using the language they are learning.

Let’s Go (5th Edition) 2 Student’s Book

1.992,00 د.ج
Inspire students to enjoy learning in English with a trusted methodology and easy-to-use teaching tools. Let's Go 5th Edition provides lively and motivating activities and offers plenty of opportunities for students to practice using the language they are learning.