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Project (5th Edition) 4 Student’s Book
Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find clearly structured, vibrant lessons with exciting new characters and stories! The Student's Book and Workbook with Online Practice work together, with cross references throughout to highlight where the Workbook offers more practice and support. Published On: 2023-04-18
Project (5th Edition) 3 Workbook with Audio CD & Online Practice
Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find clearly structured, vibrant lessons with exciting new characters and stories! The Student's Book and Workbook with Online Practice work together, with cross references throughout to highlight where the Workbook offers more practice and support. Published On: 2023-04-18
Project (5th Edition) 3 Student’s Book
Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find clearly structured, vibrant lessons with exciting new characters and stories! The Student's Book and Workbook with Online Practice work together, with cross references throughout to highlight where the Workbook offers more practice and support. Published On: 2023-04-18
Project (5th Edition) 2 Workbook with Audio CD & Online Practice
Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find clearly structured, vibrant lessons with exciting new characters and stories! The Student's Book and Workbook with Online Practice work together, with cross references throughout to highlight where the Workbook offers more practice and support. Published On: 2023-04-18
Project (5th Edition) 2 Student’s Book
Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find clearly structured, vibrant lessons with exciting new characters and stories! The Student's Book and Workbook with Online Practice work together, with cross references throughout to highlight where the Workbook offers more practice and support. Published On: 2023-04-18
Project (5th Edition) 1 Workbook with Audio CD & Online Practice
Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find clearly structured, vibrant lessons with exciting new characters and stories! The Student's Book and Workbook with Online Practice work together, with cross references throughout to highlight where the Workbook offers more practice and support. Published On: 2023-04-18
Project (5th Edition) 1 Student’s Book
Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find clearly structured, vibrant lessons with exciting new characters and stories! The Student's Book and Workbook with Online Practice work together, with cross references throughout to highlight where the Workbook offers more practice and support. Published On: 2023-04-18
Pop up ! CE2
Pour l'élève. Au coeur de la méthode : un manuel. 10 Acts découpés en 4 Stages. Stage 1 et 2 : activités langagières autour de saynètes, avec comptines, tongue-twisters, discrimination auditive. Stage 3 : activités de rebrassage lexical variées, révision du vocabulaire. Stage 4 : " projects " et chansons. 14 pages de civilisation en fin de manuel. En accompagnement : 96 flashcards pour favoriser les activités de mémorisation et les jeux. 10 posters recto/verso. Au recto, ils reprennent les vignettes des Story time, pour les activités collectives. Au verso, ils illustrent les grands thèmes de vocabulaire de l'année. Pour l'enseignant. Le guide pédagogique qui contient l'explication clé en main des séances, de nombreux conseils et des suggestions d'activités + toutes les fiches d'activités des séances, photocopiables + toutes les fiches de jeux (patrons, calendriers, masques à découper, minibooks, etc.).
Oxford Illustrated Science Dictionary
The Oxford Illustrated Science Dictionary explains academic vocabulary at a level appropriate for high-beginning and intermediate students, which accelerates their mastery of content and allows them to be successful in content-area classes and Content reviewed and approved by nationally accredited science and math standards experts
Oxford English for Careers: Tourism 1: Student’s Book
Focuses on the functional language needed to succeed in the job. This book presents grammar, vocabulary, and skills, contextualized in real work situations. It includes job profiles of real professionals, specialist facts and figures, and quotations. It provides easy-to-understand tips, additional activities for mixed ability classes, and more.
Oxford English for Careers: Medicine 1: Student’s Book
Oxford English for Careers is a series which prepares pre-work students for starting their career. Everything in each Student's Book is vocation-specific, which means students get the language, information, and skills they need to help them get a job in their chosen career. The series covers Commerce, Tourism, Nursing, and Technology at Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate levels. New levels include Tourism 3 Upper-Intermediate for tourism management and Technology 2, plus the completely new Medicine course.