Solved Problems On Electrical Engineering : +130 Solved problems – Pr. RAHMOUNE CHEMSEDDINE
1.700,00 د.ج
This book was intended for students in scientific and technical fields of universities and engineering schools. It provides a technical support on electrical engineering fundamentals and covers the majority of electricity and electrical circuits bases topics, ranging from AC single phase circuits to magnetic and three phases circuits systems.
It contains lectures and fundamental notions in electrical engineering as successive chapters aimed to prepare and guide readers to start and navigate in this fascinating and vast world.
To better support students, problems are presented at the end of each chapter.
This first part of fundamental electrical engineering covers six chapters. The first chapter covers complex numbers. The second chapter addresses the Fundamental laws of electricity. The third and fourth chapters deal with single-phase circuits and three-phase circuits. Finally the fifth and sixth chapters are the last ones where fundamental laws of electromagnetism and magnetic circuits are neatly approached.
This book is particularly aimed at second-year Science and Technology (ST) students, as well as those in other fields with similar programs.
The content of this first part of this book complies with the program of the electrotechnical majors fundamentals. It is recommended and established by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS).
Finaly, I hope that this work will be useful and beneficial to all those who are interested in learning or teaching electrical engineering fundamentals.
This book was intended for students in scientific and technical fields of universities and engineering schools. It provides a technical support on electrical engineering fundamentals and covers the majority of electricity and electrical circuits bases topics, ranging from AC single phase circuits to magnetic and three phases circuits systems.
It contains lectures and fundamental notions in electrical engineering as successive chapters aimed to prepare and guide readers to start and navigate in this fascinating and vast world.
To better support students, problems are presented at the end of each chapter.
This first part of fundamental electrical engineering covers six chapters. The first chapter covers complex numbers. The second chapter addresses the Fundamental laws of electricity. The third and fourth chapters deal with single-phase circuits and three-phase circuits. Finally the fifth and sixth chapters are the last ones where fundamental laws of electromagnetism and magnetic circuits are neatly approached.
This book is particularly aimed at second-year Science and Technology (ST) students, as well as those in other fields with similar programs.
The content of this first part of this book complies with the program of the electrotechnical majors fundamentals. It is recommended and established by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS).
Finaly, I hope that this work will be useful and beneficial to all those who are interested in learning or teaching electrical engineering fundamentals.
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Pour compléter ce document, des annexes sont fournies, comprenant des rappels mathématiques, des définitions de grandeurs physiques, ainsi que la bibliographie utilisée pour l'élaboration du cours.
L'objectif de ce document est d'offrir aux étudiants une ressource complète et structurée pour approfondir leur compréhension des concepts d'électrostatique et d'électrocinétique, tout en les préparant efficacement aux évaluations continues et aux examens finaux.
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Il aborde, à travers quatre chapitres, les notions fondamentales de la thermodynamique ainsi que les principes des machines thermiques.
Chaque chapitre débute par un résumé du cours mettant en avant les points essentiels, accompagné d'exemples classiques et suivi d'exercices d'applica-tion. Ces exercices visent à renforcer la compréhension des concepts présentés.
Le document est complété par des annexes contenant des rappels sur les notions de base en thermodynamique, des définitions de grandeurs physiques, ainsi que la bibliographie utilisée pour l'élaboration du cours.
L'auteur exprime sa gratitude envers tous les collègues qui ont contribué au collectif de l'enseignement de ce module.
Cette première édition pourrait comporter quelques imperfections, et l'auteur invite tous les lecteurs à partager leurs remarques et suggestions afin d'améliorer le contenu.
L'objectif de ce cours est d'offrir aux étudiants une ressource complète pour approfondir leurs connaissances en thermodynamique et en machines thermiques, tout en encourageant la participation et le retour constructif de la communauté éducative.
Fundamental Electrical Engineering – Pr. RAHMOUNE CHEMSEDDINE
This book was intended for students in scientific and technical fields of universities and engineering schools. It provides a technical support on electrical engineering fundamentals and covers the majority of electricity and electrical circuits bases topics, ranging from AC single phase circuits to magnetic and three phases circuits systems.
It contains lectures and fundamental notion in electrical engineing as successive chapters aimed to prepare and guide readers to start and navigate in this facinatingand vast world.
To better support students, problems are presented at the end of each chapter.
This first part of fundamental electrical engineering covers six chapters. The first chapter covers complex numbers. The second chapter addresses the Fundamental laws of electricity. The third and fourth chapters deal with single-phase circuits and three-phase circuits. Finally the fifth and sixth chapters are the last ones where fundamental laws of electromagnetism and magnetic circuits are neatly approached.
This book is particularly aimed at second-year Science and Technology (ST) students, as well as those in other fields with similar programs.
The content of this first part of this book complies with the program of the electrotechnical majors fundamentals. It is recommended and established by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS).
Finaly, I hope that this work will be useful and beneficial to all those who are interested in learning or teaching electrical engineering fundamentals.
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